Engraving Technology and Security Features

All engraving technologies are available in 4STEEL. We recommend to use 4BRASS if very high definition and / or extremly fine elements are requested.

Lense technology is used to create moving images that can be personalised by laser engraving. Multiple images are possible. 4PLATE can produce all type of lenses in different shapes and profiles. MLI/CLI can be also produced on raised level (on the plate) in order to be in depth in the card after lamination.

IDoptic is a new generation of security element combinig different optical effects such as faux-relief (optical illusion of 3D height), contrast switch (switch of reflected light from back- to foreground), dynamic (animated effects upon tilt) and two way image (clear switch between 2 different pictures)

Motion and 3D lenses
Lenses working in register with the printing area can be created during lamination process. Multiple images like “Flip, zoom, morphing, video” or 3D effect could be achieved on standard 75 or 100 lines per inch (LPI). 4PLATE can produce motion lenses in different shapes with different LPI according to customer request.

Microtext is one of the most used anti-counterfeiting solution, arriving to a definition even too small to be read by naked eye. It is possible to insert deliberate error or mirrored/turned lettering for easily authentication. Microtext is very difficult to reproduce accurately. 4PLATE can produce all type of microtext in positive (raised on the plate) or negative with a character width starting from 15/20 microns.

Usually done in a deepness of 150 microns the Braille lettering is following the ISO standard. The norm is called “Marburg Medium Braille Specification”. After lamination the Braille characters engraved on the plate appear in positive on the card. 4PLATE can engrave all Braille characters according to customer request.

Latent images
The view of the image is changing according to the angle, distance and thickness of the engraving. At first sight a latent image reveals nothing but looked closely or from different angle an image appears.

Structure, Patterns, Texture, Guilloche
Generated in different tone, variety and detail these features are really difficult to capture by any counterfeiting technique. Artworks with lines, dots, patterns, raster geometry or images can be applied on lamination plates giving very good counterfeit protection.

3D forms
Special 3D forms are worked in the range of microns. Special symbol of nationality, culture, technical, historical identification or emblem can be reproduced on the plate in a highness of 100 microns.

Positioning Pins
4PLATE lamination plates can be equipped with customized pin system. Made to guarantee the register between the printed plastic sheet and the engraved elements on the plate, there are different ways to use these pins. You can use 3 pins as reference angle or perforate the plastic sheet to insert the pins into the holes. Standard pins are round in diameter of 5.9 mm and high between 0.35 and 0.7 mm. Other Pin dimensions and shapes are possible.

Strips for Datapage hinges
4Plate lamination plates can be equipped with strips to produce polycarbonate datapages with sew-on hinges. The strips ensure wrinkle free production of hinges over many lamination cycles as the strips are not only glued on the plate surface. Combined with 4SLIDE anti-Stick coating even TPU hinges can be produced without any problem.